Fred Hancock Post 19, Renton, WA
Fred Hancock Post 19, Renton, WA

Post and Auxiliary Monthly Meetings

Post 19: Next meeting: September 10 at 7:00pm in person. 

     ZOOM meeting in September. To learn more SELECT HERE.

     See photos from the April meeting. Click here    

Café Vets Social Time: Thursday, August 15 from 10:00am to Noon.

      See photos from the October Café Vets. Click here

Auxiliary: Thursday, September 12, 10:00am

     Sew & Chat - Monday, September 16, 9:00am – 12:00pm noon

No Post or Auxiliary meetings during July and August.

 Regular Newsletter – Select the picture to see our bimonthly newsletter.

Monthly Calendar – Select the picture to see the monthly calendar and learn of events happening at Post 19.

The next Café Vets meeting is September 19, 10:00am to Noon. To learn more select the Café Vets clipart.

This year our Post 19 participated in Renton River Days on July 27-28. We had a booth so we coiuld meet the public, tell the who we are, what we do and why we do it, and to make new friends in the community. Our members were in the booth both days.

Pictures from Renton River Days:  VIEW PICTURES

See the pictures from the July Café Vets and the Auxiliary Rummage Sale held in July.



Welcome to a new year of exciting events with our auxiliary unit .
September 21 Diana Hagen, Sara Rowan, Evelyn Lundstrom and Elva Schulz attend open house and toured Santa’s Castle at JBLM. Santa’s Castle provides Christmas gifts to military families who are experiencing financial hardships. It was interesting to see what they do for these families.
September 28 The Post and Unit enjoy a dine-out at Vince’s Restaurant in the Highlands. A good time was had by all. The next one is planned for January. Plan to attend for a good social time.
October 7, District 11 held a workshop. Some of the department officers were there to explain and answer question about happening in Department.
OKTOBERFEST was held on the 19th. It was a very special event. To remember our Past President Rhonda Jarvis, Past president/ Treasurer Esther Maas and Past Secretary/Poppy Chairman Linda Cook. Bonnie Birch Trio performed. The event included a silent auction, authentic German food and door prizes. A good time was had by all. Plan to attend next year’s Oktoberfest.

December 29 is the Post and Unit Holiday party. It is a white elephant gift exchange and potluck at 6:00. All are invited to come enjoy a fun evening.

Service Not Self Fred Hancock American Legion Auxiliary Unit 19 


No Commander’s Corner at this time.

ADJUTANT’S DESK by James Wilhoit—

As I’ve been telling you 2023-24 DUES ARE DUE. Since the last news- leYer we’ve had our target established at 170 renewals.We’re now at 112 renewed for 66%, well over our goal. To renew online, go to or & click RENEW.

Post 19 Honor Guard 

The Post Honor Guard is always looking for members to join our ranks and participate at least two Tuesdays each month at Tahoma National Cemetery. It is a rewarding experience and an excellent way to pay our Veterans back. If interested, call Jerry Livingston at 206-910-6449 for further information. Also, RETIRED HONOR GUARD participants, if you are retired and have any articles of HG clothing, white SS Shirts, gloves, ties or raincoats that were provided by AL Post #19 please contact Jerry Livingston at the above number and we will arrange to pick them up. Thanks, it will be good to get them back in use. 

Our Post sponsors four scouting units: Boy Scout Troop 498 (40 youths), Cub Scout Pack 468 (30 youths), a girls’ BSA Troop, and Venture Crew 498 (10 youths). The Venture group is made up of both boys and girls, and they meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. If you’d like to get involved, contact Scouting Chair Gregory Craff, 425-268-8335,

The Post has Medical Support Equipment including Wheel Chairs, Walkers, Crutches and Shower Chairs. Any member can borrow any of these. items at no cost just by contacting the Chaplain or the Adjutant and showing their Membership card at the time of pick up.

We want to dispose of old flags in a proper and respectful. You can bring the flags any time to our Post Hall, 3224 NE 12th Street in the Renton Highlands, just below the water tower. If no one is there you can just leave them in a bag by the door.