Fred Hancock Post 19, Renton, WA
Fred Hancock Post 19, Renton, WA

Post and Auxiliary Monthly Meetings

Post 19: Next meeting: February 11 at 7:00pm in person. 

     Meeting via ZOOM – learn more SELECT HERE.

     See photos from the December meeting. Click here    

Café Vets Social Time: Thursday, February 20 from 10:00am to Noon.

      See photos from the January Café Vets. Click here

Auxiliary: Thursday, February 13, 10:00am

     Sew & Chat - Monday, February 17, 9:00am – 12:00pm noon

No Post or Auxiliary meetings during July and August.

 Regular Newsletter – Select the picture to see our bimonthly newsletter.

Monthly Calendar – Select the picture to see the monthly calendar and learn of events happening at Post 19.

The next Café Vets meeting is February 20, 10:00am to Noon. To learn more select the Café Vets clipart.

Auxiliary's Sew & Chat Fircrest School Gift Wrap on Monday, December 16.
Annually the Unit provides Christmas gifts to 11 residents at the Fircrest Residential Habilitation Center in Shoreline, WA which is part of Washington State's DSHS Developmental Disabilities Services Administration.
Elva Schulz, Children and Youth Chair, receives a list of requests from the residents for which she shops.  Unit members gather on their Sew & Chat day to wrap the individual gifts.  This year the Auxiliary added a "Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Comfort Pup" to each of the resident's gifts.
Also, during the Sew & Chat Unit members prepare Christmas cards to send to Unit members.
To see the pictures of the Auxiliary preparing gifts, SELECT HERE.

Evergreen BOYS STATE & Evergreen GIRLS STATE

and SCHOLARSHIPS offered

Boys State and Girls State are programs that offer hands-on training for our high school youth in how our government works and training in leadership skills. To learn more about these programs, SELECT HERE.

To learn about scholarships offered by the American Legion Auxiliary and the American Leagion, SELECT HERE.

Dear members and friends, this being my first entry for the Post newsletter, Commander’s Corner, I think a brief introducion is in order. First, I’ll give my military service a nod. I enlisted into the US Air Force in February, 1971, and served unil January, 1975. I was staioned first in Washington, DC, and finished out my active duty at Eielson AFB just outside of Fairbanks, AK. I moved to the SeaUle area aber being released from active duty, joining Post #19 in 2014.
Hopefully everyone came through our Bomb Cyclone intact without suffering too much loss. The Post did not lose power and was a refuge for a few of us, enabling us to charge electrical devices and assess Wi-Fi, and even cook a couple of meals. A resolution was passed at the December business meeting to establish a phone tree in order to contact members via text in case a severe weather event like this occurs again.
The Post now has cellular service, transitioning from Century Link land line to T Mobile providing phone and internet service. This not only saves money over the existing plan, but gives us better overall service.
I’m looking forward to the new year and plan to give my best effort to support the growth in membership numbers. Also, I am looking for ideas as to how we can increase our awareness to the Veterans in the community we serve. Our work thrives on your involvement. Please share your ideas for new initiatives, and remember that together we can continue to strengthen our Post and fulfill our mission. For God and Country, Kevin Rose,
Commander and Resource Officer
2024 ALA Fred Hancock Unit Officers
President/Treasurer:  Elva Schulz               425-255-0440 
Vice President:          Evelyn Lundstrom-Weiss   425-255-1845
Secretary/Historian:  Diana Hagen             425-271-3881 
Chaplain:                 Evelyn Lundstrom-Weiss    425-255-1845
Sergeant-at-Arms:     Sara Rowan              206-245-7460
We want to wish everyone a Happy New Year for 2025.
District 11 business meeting was held on November 10th, no meeting December. December 16th for our Sew & Chat we wrapped gifts for Fircrest Residential Habilitation Center in Shoreline. Fircrest School provides support to about 200 residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities in a residual setting. Our unit 19 provided gifts to 11 residents in 2 combined cabins. Each resident received comfort puppy along with other gifts. Elva purchased gifts and delivered them December 21st. On December 16th, we also addressed memership longevity certificates and pins and mailed them, and addressed Christmas cards to our members. December 28th, we joined the Post for a Holiday Potluck and gift exchange that was enjoyed by many. Mid Winter Conference will be held in Lacey, WA on February 1, 2025. We invite the spouses of our Post members to join and become involved in Fred Hancock American Legion Auxiliary. Your service and thoughtful care of Our Veterans is sincerely appreicated.
Service Not Self - Fred Hancock American Legion Auxiliary Unit 19
ADJUTANT'S DESK by James Wilhoit
It's that time of year. 2024-25 DUES ARE DUE. We currently have 97 members renewed. Our goal is 168. We're at 58.93%, well over the 50% we should be at mid-month, and second in the 11th District after Lower Snoqualmie Valley Post 199 in Carnation. To renew on-line, go to & click RENEW, or & click MEMBERSHIP, then "Pay Your Membership Dues". 

Post 19 Honor Guard 

The Post Honor Guard is always looking for members to join our ranks and participate at least two Tuesdays each month at Tahoma National Cemetery. It is a rewarding experience and an excellent way to pay our Veterans back. If interested, contact Jerry Livingston at 206-910-6449,, for further information.

Our Post sponsors four scouting units: Boy Scout Troop 498 (40 youths), Cub Scout Pack 468 (30 youths), a girls’ BSA Troop, and Venture Crew 498 (10 youths). The Venture group is made up of both boys and girls, and they meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. If you’d like to get involved, contact Scouting Chair Gregory Craff, 425-268-8335,

The Post has Medical Support Equipment including Wheel Chairs, Walkers, Crutches and Shower Chairs. Any member can borrow any of these. items at no cost just by contacting the Chaplain or the Adjutant and showing their Membership card at the time of pick up.

We want to dispose of old flags in a proper and respectful. You can bring the flags any time to our Post Hall, 3224 NE 12th Street in the Renton Highlands, just below the water tower. If no one is there you can just leave them in a bag by the door.