Fred Hancock Post 19, Renton, WA
Fred Hancock Post 19, Renton, WA

Photo Album

(click any picture to enlarge)

Post/Auxiliary Dine Out – May 30

Installation and Poppy Letter Stuffing

Holiday Party – December 29, 2023

Ocktoberfest, October 19th

New Member Initiation and Poppy Stuffing meeting and potluck, March 23rd.

LAW & ORDER NIGHT – March 2023

Holiday Party 2022


Post Officer Installation June 28

Post Meeting June 14, 2022 and Café Vets June 16, 2022

Café Vets on May 19 and QFC Poppy Day on May 21

Aprl 24 – Stuffing Poppies in letters to be sent out. Thank you to all who helped.

Café Vets April 21

Monthy meeting of Post 19, April

Law and Order Night – March 24, 2022


Americanism Night – February 24, 2022

Photos from Café Vets meeting February 17, 2022

Click on picture to enlarge

Photos from Snacks Time at the regular monthly meeting of Post 19 in March 2022.

January 2 Post 19 Holiday Party

The Oktoberfest 2021 Café Vets luncheon held in honor of our Auxiliary past President Rhonda Jarvis. 

Select picture to enlarge.

Café Vets – July 15 Meeting

Navy Recruiter Department

Meeting and Potlick – March 4

Americanism Night – February 23

Fritz Cerney shared his experience

from his Honor Flight last October.

Holiday Party – December 30

November Pictures

Auburn Veterans Day Parade 2019

October Pictures

District 11 Fall Confernece September 22

Boys and Girls State Photos

Eleanor and Evelyn's  Birthday Celebration 

New Officer Installation 2019-2-20

Post 19 Building

3224 NE 12TH St

Renton, WA 98056

 (425) 271-1439

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 503

Renton, WA 98057-0503

Click on photo for Map