Fred Hancock Post 19, Renton, WA
Fred Hancock Post 19, Renton, WA

Photos from Post 19 monthly meetings (select photo to enlarge)

Photos from the December meeting.

Photos from the November meeting.

Photos from the April meeting.

Photos from the March meeting.

Photos from the February meeting.

Photos from the January meeting.

Photos from the December meeting.

Photos from the October meeting.

Photos from the September meeting. (No meeting held in July and August.)

Photos from the June meeting

Photos from the May meeting 

Photos from the April meeting – Thank you to our Post 19 Auxiliary for providing the snacks.

Photos from the March meeting – Thank you to our Post 19 Auxiliary for providing the snacks.

Photos from the February meeting – Thank you to our Post 19 Auxiliary for providing the snacks.

Photos from the January meeting – Yes, we love and appreciate the snacks. Thank you Auxiliary.

Photos from the November 2022 general meeting

Photos from the October 2022 general meeting

Photos from the September 2022 general meeting