Fred Hancock Post 19, Renton, WA
Fred Hancock Post 19, Renton, WA

About the American Legion


The American Legion is the nation's largest veterans organization, founded in 1919 in the aftermath of the First World War by men and women who had served in what was called "the war to end all wars". We are made up of veterans who have served honorably on active duty in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard. As an organization, we are dedicated to promoting national security, Americanism, children and youth, community service, and veterans assistance, rehabilitation and advocacy. Towards some of these aims The Legion has played a leading role in initiatives and breakthroughs that have affected the lives of Americans in every community, from the U.S. Flag Code to the GI Bill."

What does this American Legion do? Read about it here

Department of Washington - Website for the American Legion in Washington State

National - American Legion Headquarters website

District 11 - Fred Hancock Post 19 is a member of the Department of Washington, District 11. Click the link to learn about us.


American Legion Auxilary

Tahoma National Cemetery

American Legion Riders


Links for Veterans seeking assistance:

Washington Department of Veteran Affairs (VA).

Alcohol and drug use problems. Here are three webpages on the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) website. We hope these links will save you time you in your search for help.


King County Veterans Program provides short-term resources for veterans in several areas of need.

US Depaertment of Veterans Affairs

VA disability ratings and how to apply:  LEARN MORE

To contact the Veterans Administration CrisisLine directly:    Dial 988 then Press 1


To lean about the VA CrisisLine:  Click Here

The resources and information on this page are designed to help states, territories, tribes, mental health and substance use disorder professionals, and others looking for information on understanding the background, history, funding opportunities, and implementation resources for strengthening suicide prevention and mental health crisis services.

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Administration

No commercial solicitations please. We will not respond.

Scholarship Offered

My name is Lieutenant Colonel Robert Kirkland (U.S. Army, Retired). I am a life member of the VFW and a member of the American Legion. I am reaching out to you to see if you can post to your website an annual scholarship we are sponsoring for a student who served in the U.S. Army Special Forces and is now a full time student. The award is for $1000.
It is named in honor of Captain James Ahn who died in a tragic parachuting accident while with his unit in Washington State in 2015. The following is the link to the website:  CPT James Ahn Memorial Scholarship. I was James’ Army ROTC Professor of Military Science when he was a cadet at the University of California Riverside.
Thanks so much for your help with letting your members know about this scholarship.
LTC Rob Kirklan